
Showing posts from December, 2023

bnkSEPA v 2.0

 This is an engine written in Python that takes a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and converts into a file that will be processed by the Financial Institution. Other financial institutions that use the same format may also benefit from this ETL ( Extract Transform Load ) engine. The Excel workbook consists of the following worksheets: Payment Information Record — This sheet holds information of the payee account. This will be entity that will upload the file to the bank Credit Instruction Record — This sheet contains the transactions that are to be processed. The maximum number of transactions can be increased (this has already happened). An increase in the number of transactions will require changes to both the Excel and the Python code. Control — This worksheet performs the following functions: It stores within it the password provided by the bank to encrypt the transmission It stores the filename that will be used to package the transmission It provides a summary ...

Great technology links - Great learning at zero cost - December 2023

In this edition of GTL, we look at three resources that are aimed at helping both adults and children stay safe in the digitally connected world we live in. The attack surface related to this topic is wide, and each new technology that becomes embedded in our lives provides another opportunity for those out there to scam us or make money without our consent. Type: Child Internet Safety is a British not-for-profit organisation launched in May 2014 by the UK's largest internet service providers, BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media. It offers child internet safety advice to parents, carers, and professionals. It is really well organised. There is content available by age group and topic, and there are sections that schools can tap into. One also finds guides and activities that parents and their children can participate in. The site's content is kept up-to-date. For ...

Animated Christmas Card 2023 formatted for Social Media

  Follow This, That and Maybe , the Other:   Follow This, That and (Maybe), the Other :    

XMAS Card 2023

  Follow This, That and (Maybe), the Other :