
Showing posts from June, 2021

Malta Police Scam Call Recording

I just received a call from what appears to be a Maltese number (+356 9852 xxxx).  This audio has been adjust to make it easier to follow. After a robotic recorded message the caller is asked to press one.  I followed instructions and got to a live person with a strong Indian accent.  When I explained that I was recording the message for my blog, inviting the person to speak slowly, his police business no longer seemed to be the agenda of the day and he hung up.  A copy of the original recording together with the full number has been passed on to the authorities. If you get a call with a similar message you may want to hang up if you're not comfortable engaging with the caller.  

Fort Chambray 360 Out-2-In / You should be here

    Animated photo album of Fort Chambray at Gozo, Malta.    Airbnb Apartment:     Music Adapted from: Music adapted from jorikbasov from Pixabay      

Il-Ministru għall-Akkomodazzjoni Soċjali qed jisforza liċ-ċittadini privati ​​biex jagħmlu xogħol id-dipartiment tiegħu

Dan l-artikolu jiddiskuti l-liġijiet tal-kera inġusti. Biex tiffamiljarizza ruħek mas-suġġett u tifhem kif grupp ta’ ċittadini qed jiġu immirati b’mod inġust mill-Gvern ta’ Malta, żuru l-paġna .  Sors: Ritratt DOI Fil-5 ta' Ġunju l-Ministru għall-Akkomodazzjoni Soċjali, Roderick Galdes, ftaħar li mill-2017 sa dak inhar in-numru ta' nies fuq talba ghal Akkomodazjoni Soċjali naqas b’42%. Din hija kisba kbira meta wieħed jikkonsidra li fuq period ta’ madwar 5 snin, kważi 1,400 persuna m'għadhomx fuq il-lista ta' stennija. Kisba veru impressjonanti!  Wieħed irid jikkumplimenta l-isforzi tal-Gvern talli kkonvinca 160 familja jieħdu self soċjali sabiex jixtru l-d-dar li kienu qeghdin jikru. Dan sar permezz tal-iskema Home Assist. Proset Ministru!  Għaliex l-isforz biex jgħin persuni jsiru sidien tad-djar mhuwiex applikat bl-istess mod għal dawk fil-proprjetajiet tal-kiri ta' qabel l-1995?  Inizzjatti...

Ant Attack

         What movie does this photo remind you of?

How the Minister for Social Housing is coercing private citizens to do his department’s job

This article discusses the unfair rent laws. To familiarize yourself with the topic and understand how a group of citizens is being unfairly targeted by the Government of Malta, head over to . Source DOI On the 5th of June, Social Housing Minister Roderick Galdes proudly reported that since 2017 the number of people on the waiting list has gone down by 42%. That is a great achievement.  Over a 5-year period, almost 1,400 persons are no longer on the Social Housing waiting list. What an achievement! One must compliment the Government's efforts that saw 160 families taking up social loans in order to purchase properties. This was done through the Home Assist scheme. Why is the effort to help persons become homeowners not applied equally to those in pre-1995 rental properties? Another initiative to bring down this number, according to minister Galdes, was to implement measures to reduce the number of families that would ...

Bees Beeing Beezy


Evil Weevil


Invasion of the Snails


USB Tethering doesn't work on OnePlus Phones [Solved]

The problem can be resolved on Mikrotik routers by upgrading to the RouterOS to v 7.1. This is still in beta.  Hope this helps   

Il-Ligi Inġusta tal-Kera f’Malta

Il-Gvern tar-Repubblika ta' Malta, stat membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea, qed jikser id-drittijiet ta’ grupp żghir ta ’ ċittadini billi jġegħelhom jikru l-proprjetajiet taghħom b ’ rati ferm aktar baxxi minn dak li ċittadini oħra qegħdin jaqilgħu fis-suq. Il-Qorti Ewropea fil-Kaz ta’ Buttigieg et vs Malta; Applikazzjoni Nru 22456/15 ( iddikkjarat li f'sitwazzjoni fejn il-predeċessur fit-titolu tal-applikanti kien għexieren ta' snin qabel daħal konxjament fi ftehim ta' kera b'restrizzjonijiet rilevanti (speċifikament li tista’ tiżdied il-kera jew tintemm il-kera), dan ma setax f’dak iż-żmien ikollu idea cara fuq l-inflazzjoni fil-prezzijiet tal-proprjeta’ fid-deċennji tas-snin ta’ wara. Il-Qorti ddikjarat ukoll li barra minnhekk, dawk l-applikanti, li kienu wirtu proprjeta’ li kienet diġa ġiet soġġetta ghal kera, ma kellhomx il-possibbilta’ li jiffissaw il-kera huma stess (jew li jtemmu l-ftehim liberament). Minn dan isegwi li m...

Malta’s Unjust Rent Laws

The Government of the Republic of Malta, a member state of the European Union, is unfairly targeting a small group of citizens by forcing them to rent out their properties at below market rates.  Below is the opinion of the European Court in the Case of Buttigieg and Others v. Malta; Application No 22456/15 ( “ The Court has previously held that in a situation where the applicants’ predecessor in title had, decades before, knowingly entered into a rent agreement with relevant restrictions (specifically the inability to increase rent or to terminate the lease), the applicants’ predecessor in title could not, at the time, reasonably have had a clear idea of the extent of inflation in property prices in the decades to follow.“ It also affirms that: “Furthermore, those applicants, who had inherited a property that had already been subject to a lease, had not had the possibility to set the rent themselves (or to freely terminate the agre...

20210530 - Length of Malta