HOWTO prevent unsolicited Google Calendar entries

Introduction If you discovered this article because you’ve experienced a similar occurrence please note that Your GOOGLE account was not hacked. This is a way spammers are trying to get you to interact with them. Yesterday the calendar notification on my phone got triggered a few minutes past midnight. While I am particularly careful not to set alarms to go off during the night it sometimes happens. Since I’ve made it a policy not to take my phone to bed with me, I got up walked to the table on which the phone was sitting and checked what was the notification associated with the chime. The notification read “ Your iPhone Xs is ready for PickUp ”. I hadn’t created this reminder nor had I accepted a request from a third party on this topic. Rather than go back to bed I decided to dive into the topic and investigate. If you are not interested in the analysis of the topic jump to the section “ How d...